On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:59:51 -0400, Dan Farrell wrote:

>I thought it was free as in beer, but because of the blobs, not
>necessarily free as in you can do whatever you want with it...
>Because what can you do with a blob? Are you allowed to use a blob
>anywhere you want, in any situation? Are you allowed to crack open a
>blob and use parts of its code to re-write your own software/drivers?
>Are you even allowed to have documentation regarding a blob? These are
>all defined by license restrictions... that restrict your freedom
>concerning the use of the blob.
>So IMHO "Free"BSD is only free to obtain... but not fully 'free' to use
>in any way you want.
>Please follow the simple formula-
>       License Restriction = Not Free.
>You've been so involved in this discussion I thought you wouldn't need
>this simplistic review... or maybe you're just trolling.

Yes, he is just trolling.

And for the other mentally challenged who think that FREEbsd has any
real freedom, cop this quote from their website:
"While you might expect an operating system with these features to sell
for a high price, FreeBSD is available free of charge and comes with
full source code. If you would like to purchase or download a copy to
try out, more information is available."

Full source code? For all the blobs? Really? Or do you accept entries
in the Obfuscated Code Contest as real, usable, and fixable if needed,

>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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