Would this in anyway help the OpenBSD devlopers ongoing campaign to get documentation from Nvidia?
Sam Fourman Jr. On 10/17/06, Nick Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When I read that headline earlier today I thought to myself "I bet Theo will be getting a chuckle from this when he reads it" On 10/17/06, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > http://news.com.com/Exploit+code+released+for+Nvidia+flaw/2100-1002_3-6126846.html > > I just wanted to say... "Told you so". > > Quite amusing. > > Of course we know this is not the last time this will happen. > > More problems like this will be exposed, and it is my hope that > vendors who refuse to participate in the open communities will get > punished more firmly than open vendors. I also hope that their > embedded^Husers feel the pain, so that one day they will stand beside > us when we ask for open documentaion.