On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 03:00:52 +0159, Han Boetes wrote:

>Of course you wouldn't bother to read this article:
>  http://www.dwheeler.com/blog/2006/09/01/#gpl-bsd
>Since it's polite, to point and factual.
>Instead of your rant which contains insults and lies.

It says "Yes, companies could voluntarily cooperate without a license
forcing them to. The *BSDs try to depend on this. But it today's
cutthroat market, that's more like the "Prisoner's Dilemma". In the
dilemma, it's better to cooperate; but since the other guy might choose
to not cooperate, and exploit your naivete, you may choose to not
cooperate. A way out of this dilemma is to create a situation where you
must cooperate, and the GPL does that."

Look at the last line. MUST. Must != Freedom.

Ve haff vays off making you co-operate............


>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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