On 10/4/06, Spruell, Darren-Perot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good point to make. Intel doesn't want consumers to know that; they want
everyone to *think* they are getting cutting edge technology innovation,
thus justifying the premium money you drop on any product with the Intel
name on it.

Yep.  Some things just don't seem to change.  Take a look at this note
from from Van Jacobsen from the days when Sun 3/60 were fast machines,
wherein he describes how AMD's lance chip outperforms Intel's 82586:

...and after some guessing on what's happening, gives this pithy thought:
       This may or may not be what's going on:  life is too short to
spend debugging
       Intel parts so I really don't care to investigate further.

That was 18 years ago and things don't seem to have changed...

Philip Guenther

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