On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 02:17:58PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> A list of recommended products may help you, but would not help the
> user list at large.  They will continue to accidentally buy the wrong
> hardware from the wrong vendors.  It would be a tremendous burden on
> us to keep such a list up-to-date.  I'm sorry.  At least I am saying
> that I personally will not be involved in maintaining such a list.

I understand. That makes sense to me.

> Private letters can help, but quite frankly I believe that publically
> displaying the arrogance of people from companies who like (Like James
> did) works better.  At least, in the past when we have been very loud
> in their mailboxes those people have succeeded escalated things inside
> their companies and things have improved.

I was not necessarily advocating private letters. I should have
clarified what I said. I am thinking more along the lines of open
letters that could also be posted on a website along with letters from
other projects trying to make headway with Intel. It was just an idea. I
am all for being as loud as possible!


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