On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 03:17:39PM -0400, marrandy wrote:
> On Sunday 01 October 2006 12:14, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > I believe that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is another person who
> > is involved.
> >
> > These people will try to tell you that "there are parts of the
> > firmware that Intel does not own".  They'll say that positively about
> > two of the firmwares, and want you believe that is the case for all
> > three.  Then you can read the distribution agreement that they want
> > open source vendors to sign, because I just can't figure out how to
> > tie "Intel does not own all of the stuff in the firmware" to "we
> > must take these specific rights that we list away from you".

> Hello Theo (and all the list users).
> You know, this has been an ongoing issue for years.  Keeps on coming up on 
> the 
> list every 3 or 4 months and the result is the same.
> As far as I am concerned, yes we can email and complain, but they are so 
> arrogant that nothing will change.

But Hifn released documentation within a couple of days of the start of
a campaign like this.

Of course, Intel is no Hifn, and Adaptec never listened - but still...

> Why don'y we just :-
> 1)   Not buy any more intel products
> 2)   List products from manufacturers that do help us
> 3)   Tell everyone ref 1) and 2)
> 4)   Instead of continuing emailing intel, email all the other opensource 
> projects sharing the experience and suggest to them that they follow the same 
> as above ie. 1), 2) and 3).

I've personally seen this on slashdot and digg, and I've not looked
particularly hard. Quite a few people have seen it by now.

> 5)  yes, people can still email intel, but just like adaptek, personally, I 
> think it's a waste of time.  they are too big and too  'full of themselves'  
> to care.  There are plenty of competing products around.  Why should we beat 
> ourselves up on this.
> I'm a consumer (whether it is business or personal is irrelevent).  I pay for 
> products.  I can take my business, and my money, elsewhere.
> I want to know from the OpenBSD community, which products are best supported, 
> which are the best (less cpu load, more bandwidth ie. more efficient etc.).

vendorwatch.org is for this kind of stuff.

> I am really not interested in intel, adaptek and their games anymore.
> I am interested in SATA syatems for low-level use and SAS (Serial attached 
> SCSI) for high level use using OpenBSD and other open systems so I want to 
> know about good and bad motherboards, RAID cards, hard drives etc.
> I'm surprised the drivers haven't been withdrawn from the CVS yet.

Nah, unlike the Adaptec drivers, they work quite well.


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