I am still working on drafting up a response to Intel's decision to not be open.
But for your reading pleasure: http://news.com.com/Intel+lowers+the+boom+on+marketing,+IT+departments/2100-1014_3-6112412.html Looks like AMD has taken 26% of Intel's server market since 2003. And Intel is cutting employees as a result. Well, that's pushing a relationship that just might not hold. Nevertheless, it appears Intel is overstaffed. If you can just slice 10 thousand people, something is obviously wrong. Why would Intel take any action to further reduce it's server market? And why do Intel laptops cost more than AMD laptops? I just don't get it. I once heard that Intel does more thorough testing of their chips, but who cares if you cannot use them? And it looks like Dell is using AMD now: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1964621,00.asp What does Intel gain by not being open? I am puzzled. I am not an engineer, so is there something that I am overlooking? Cheers, Brian Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com