On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 03:54:36PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > Intel may just be worried that there _might_ be a problem they don't 
> > know about and are trying to protect themselves.
> "may just be"?
> > I imagine that there 
> > are plenty of opportunities for someone to either willfully or 
> > accidentally introduce patented technologies, for which Intel does not 
> > hold a license, into their commercial products.
> "imagine"
> > Rather than releasing
> > information and potentially having to deal with an intellectual property 
> > issue, Intel just doesn't release the information.
> No facts?  None at all?  Just "theories" as to why they "might have to
> not give things away"?  All phrased to let them get away with it?
> That's a lot of apologies you are making for a vendor who sells you
> broken hardware.

Sorry, I didn't mean to apologize for them.  Just making some guesses 
at how Intel is rationalizing the decision to not release information.
Personally, I don't buy their products.


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