bofh wrote:
> Why is that a troll?  He offered an opinion on Phpbb.  It is neither good
> nor secure.  [see below]  Just because he cannot offer an alternative (there
> may not be a secure alternative even!)
Because that sentiment had already been echoed by others.  No sense
beating dead horses except to puff up flames (which he succeeded in doing).
> Bad comparison.  MSFT's patches are across an entire product line.  You are
> talking about one specific product here.  In order to get a valid
> comparison, you will have to count patches for a product of similar size and
> complexity.  Which, if my memory serves me right, is actually smaller than
> phpbb's track record, which actually supports Adam's stance that phpbb is
> insecure.
No, I am counting *ONLY* Windows XP.  I don't run Office, SQL Server, or
any other MSFT product on my gaming machine.  It's bad enough just
having to deal with that much.
> That may be.  It is still not secure.  We are talking about security, not
> ease of patching, or following patch releases.
I never said it was secure.  In fact, I distinctly recall saying "hell
no" to whether or not I considered phpBB secure.  What I *did* say was
that it fit my needs, as I laid them out.

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