---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 10:26:26 -0400
>From: "Nick Guenther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: automated source code scanning  
>To: OpenBSD-Misc <misc@openbsd.org>
>On 9/4/06, Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> since the openbsd project prides itself on being especially proactive about
>> debugging, it would not surprise me to learn that there is automated code
>> auditing going on. is this already the case? i didn't see openbsd listed on
>> coverity's page, http://scan.coverity.com/ .
>> further info about software that is already available would be nice, 
>> especially
>> if it's open source.
>> cheers,
>> jake
>From what I've seen here before the consensus seems to be that
>automated scanning is bad idea, because it can never (or at least, not
>for a while yet) match the intelligence of a human, and because making
>humans read the code leads to finding other bugs, like logic bugs,
>that would never be noticed otherwise. There's lint(1) if you want to
>check your C.

<doh>! i did not realize there is a cvs mailing list.

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