There is no way anybody can "win" from any of this!
That's the worst part of it all!
all BSD's will & are suffering!
The future is always looking back to see what it has to work with!
There is no future with out a past!
The software its self ( BSD's) is smarter them the ones making it.
Thats the point of failure (humans), the weak link in all of it !
Just having "safe by defalt" rule proves nothing!
The software is only as safe as the "minds" who "made" it
The point of failure is to think it is safe!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Guenther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OpenBSD-Misc" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: The future of NetBSD
On 8/30/06, Charles M. Hannum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The NetBSD Project has stagnated to the point of irrelevance. It has
gotten to the point that being associated with the project is often
more of a liability than an asset. I will attempt to explain how this
happened, what the current state of affairs is, and what needs to be
done to attempt to fix the situation.
Much of this early structure (CVS, web site, cabal, etc.) was copied
verbatim by other open source (this term not being in wide use yet)
projects -- even the form of the project name and the term "core". This
later became a kind of standard template for starting up an open source
That's very interesting history, if true (and I don't see why it
wouldn't be)! Don't feel bad then, if you have accomplished that.
At this point most readers are probably wondering whether I'm just
writing a eulogy for the NetBSD project. In some ways, I am -- it's
clear that the project, as it currently exists, has no future. It will
continue to fall further behind, and to become even less relevant. This
is a sad conclusion to a project that had such bright prospects when it
I admit that I may be wrong about this, but I assume that most people
who have contributed to NetBSD, and/or continue to do so, do not desire
to see the project wallow away like this. So I will outline what I
think is the only way out:
*cough*Most of these ideas have been in the OpenBSD culture from the
- Charles Hannum - past founder, developer, president and director of
The NetBSD Project and The NetBSD Foundation; sole proprietor of The
NetBSD Mission; proprietor of The NetBSD CD Project.
[I'm CCing this to FreeBSD and OpenBSD lists in order to share it with
the wider *BSD community, not to start a flame war. I hope that people
reading it have the tact to be respectful of their peers, and consider
how some of these issues may apply to them as well.]
Um. Wow. I think Theo wins.