thus Brett Lymn spake:
On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 01:47:59PM +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:
it's one of the most important issues that ever came up in the recent months on NetBSD MLs, and it's being ignored.

No, Timo, it's not being ignored.

not any longer, yes, as there come replies that back my opinion that blobs are evil and do not comply with NetBSDs (former?) 'portability and clean architecture listed as its goals' (quote).

but you do behave as if you as an individuum represent not only NetBSDs core teams' opinion(s), but that of the whole developer community, and claim your 'if my gaming station which runs Linux can take blobs without exploding, NetBSD can do this, too'.

You just cannot accept the answer
is something different to what you want.

you certainly have not the smallest idea of 'what i want'. i am just pointing to the above statement ('portability and clean architecture listed as its goals', to remind you).

you are very presumptuous.

You'll probably be happier here.

as i told you, the company i work for and i myself used to run all 'three major BSDs' *as well as* a bunch of proprietary Unices on professional hardware (read: non-PeeCee hardware; yes, even if you don't know of such, it still exists).

the obvious death of NetBSD and the screaming of its degenerated developers as soon as one reminds them of their 'project goals' show the way to go: drop it.

please stop this thread. you're like a whining child that didn't win a discussion because it has had only false and rotten arguments and now complains it lost.

there is black and white. you can promote open source and demand open documentation, or even open hardware (which would be best; projects of this character do exist).

or you can start accepting blobs, closed this and that, and finally sell you soul. it's up to you and i couldn't mind less about it. but the question then is why did NetBSD ever exist? you can promote Linux or even Windows with your opinion.

Timo Schoeler | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RISCworks -- Perfection is a powerful message
ISP | POWER & PowerPC afficinados | Networking, Security, BSD services
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