Has anyone tried recently to connect to ftp.hifn.com ?  I haven't been
able to connect from multiple locations.


On 6/29/06, J.C. Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howdy misc@

Though I stayed out of the last public fiasco regarding HiFn here on the
misc@ list, I privately contacted the people I know at the company. I
didn't reply just to Hank Cohen who posted here on misc@ but I also
included the VP of engineering (Russ Dietz), the CEO (Chris Kebner) and
the VP of marketing (Tom Moore).

I just got a call this afternoon from Tom Moore to let me know they've
set up an anon FTP site (no registration) with their documentation:


This should take care of any of the long standing issues OpenBSD has had
with the HiFn's procedures for releasing documentation.

I was told HiFn is still working on their new ftp site, so I'm not sure
how complete it is at the moment but at least we know there's a start
and they are willing to continue working on it.

Please check out the readme on the FTP. Basically it says if you wish to
automatically get the HiFn updates/errata/notifications, you should
probably sign up for the HiFn "extranet" thing. You don't have to but
you can if you want.

Kind Regards,

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