> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Travers Buda
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:46 AM
> To: OpenBSD Misc
> Subject: Re: News From HiFn
> > On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:03:02 -0400, "Dan Farrell" 
> > said:
> > > I had respect for Theo before the American comment. It was
> > > unnecessary, out of line, and damaging to the OBSD effort as a
> > > whole. You couldn't make your point without getting ugly, eh?
> Oh shutup. You're of the mentailty that you should never have to be
> offended. Too bad, it happens. 
> What I have respect for is a person who speaks their mind, makes their
> position clear, and has no regard for politics.
> Oh noes! Theo made an anti-American comment! Well we need all 
> the anti-
> bull**** comments we can get about stupid policy, stupid wars, stupid
> everything! Infact, Theo has got that original American 
> spirit--freedom
> from tyrrany, freedom of speech, freedom do do as he pleases. That's
> what being American is all about, freedom. 
> Wars, wartime policy, domestic surveilance, asinine export 
> laws, (crypto
> is a munition? pass the spoon!) skewing the system of checks and
> balances, loading the courts with fundamentalists, etc, is as un-
> American as you can get.
> Travers

Don't forget about flag burning! Burning the flag IS the symbol of the
freedom that the flag ostensibly represents. People fought and died in
political wars to be ABLE to burn a flag if they goddamn want to
(assuming it's theirs, of course ;). Like this is the MOST important
thing these spineless-never-been-in-the-military-anyway-chickenhawk
f**ks should be arguing about? *cough*Katrina*cough*Campaign Finance
Reform*cough*impeach the criminals*cough*. Sheesh.

And don't forget 'Support Our Troops!'. Like we don't, if we don't want
them to die meaninglessly? Tap...Tap...Helloooo? (more 'look at the
shiny object!' - not at the truth, Rovian political double-speak
hogwash). These douchebags would be just plain embarrassing - if they
weren't so waron-terra-fying.

'Better the pride that resides, in a citizen of the World, then the
pride that divides, when a colorful rag is unfurled' --Rush (the Band,
not the rabid limpdick druggie)


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