On Tue, 23 May 2006 18:18:06 -0700 Wakefield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spewed:
> >
> > > Again, speaking from my experience Ruby on Rails is more productive than
> > > Catalist or Django, but that depends on your application and skills.
> >
> > If you already know ruby, sure you will be faster in rails.  If you
> > know more than one of the languages in question, or none of them, then
> > rails is not faster at all.
> So you agree? Regardless, you certainly seem to be a master of tautologies.

Agree with what?  Try reading it again.  Rails will make you more
productive if you happen to know ruby, and not python or perl.  But
if you know more than one, then you will be just as productive in any
of the frameworks in those languages.  If you don't know ruby, but do
know perl, you will be more productive in catalyst or maypole.  The point
being, rails is not an advantage of using ruby, as there is a rails like
framework in the other languages being considered too.

> > But it will help other people see that rails is not magical, or special,
> > or even particularly good.
> Right -- Rails is not even good. Bias much?

Read it again.  "particularly good".  As in, it is no better than all
the other frameworks that do the same thing.  Yes, I am biased towards
learning about all of the options, instead of pretending one of them
is better than the rest, when the only measurable factor shows its
not.  What kind of bias makes people say things like "ruby is not slow"
even when presented with benchmarks, and the author of ruby saying
its slow too?

> > Pretending rails is the second coming of christ does not help anyone.
> Of course... it's much preferable to pretend Rails is a strawman with
> Satan rammed up his asshole. May I recommend you remove your
> manure-colored glasses and look at tools like this for what they
> are... tools. If it makes you productive, great. If you're more
> productive in another tool, great.

May I recommend that you read first, and blindly defend someone else's
work second?  What have you invested in rails that makes you unable
to even see that all I said was "all the other frameworks are just as
good", and think I said "rails sux0rz"?  Read my comment, it was 
"Uh, there's MVC frameworks in pretty much every language.  Ruby is
incredibly slow, and lacks internationalization support."  If that
is enough to make you go into a rabid frenzy defending rails, then
you might want to think about why.


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