Adam wrote:
On Wed, 24 May 2006 02:51:55 +0200 Jonathan Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You just do not want to understand and flame Rails.
Right, I don't understand.
Yes, you do not understand me.
Its easier to pretend I am just confused than
to face reality and admit that your precious rails IS NOT SPECIAL. All
of the rails alternatives, including the ones rails took all its ideas
from, are ALL just as good as rails. Some of them even impliment nice
stuff like database connection pooling and multiple databases so that
they can scale, unlike rails.
Rails does scale very well. Look at 43people, basecamp, odeo, CDbaby &
co. You can very nicely split the web, application and database tier.
There are better solutions for connection pooling and two-phase-commit
stuff but Rails does scale and many times you do not need this. 43people
can serve 2,5mio requests/day with rails
If you want to live in ignorance, feel free. But I am not going to sit
there and watch you lie to people just to try to convince more people
to join your herd of blind sheep so you will feel better about your
choice. Why is it so important to you that people not hear about all
the other frameworks that are just as good as rails, and for many tasks
even better? Rails will still exist for you to use even if some people
use other frameworks.
This is the point, where you do not understand me:
Where did I say that everybody should not pay attention to the other
frameworks and that Rails is the only way to go?
I just disagreed with the generalization that Ruby is _too slow_ and
said that _for_me_ the productivity gain outweigh the decreased
execution speed and that execution speed is many times not your problem.
Even if compared with Django & co.
For what its worth, I am quite familiar with ruby, and rails, having
even wrote quite a bit of code to customize rails and work around its
shortcomings. I am also quite familiar with meta-programming, not only
in ruby, but also in perl, PHP, python and pike. I am also quite
familiar with the fact that its not particularly useful when using
these frameworks, but when writing them.
Guess what is the basis of the elegance of Rails, MetaProgramming.
Simply put, there is no measurable difference
between catalyst, djanjo and rails for time to deliver on database
driven web apps.
Simply put, for _me_ there is one. Surely not for everybody.
But there is a measurable difference in execution
Yes, but again, _for_me_ this does not matter much and many times this
is not your bottleneck. Again, depends on you app, situation and context.