Nick Holland wrote:

Stability should "just be": The natural result of quality code.

<snip> Only cut to make it short, but all great stuff.

It's a funny thing about goals. Lots of people have 'em, few people live by 'em, or will quickly compromise them for the most trivial of things. Which
of course means, they weren't really goals at all, just sound bites.


I always love to read Nick. He has a way with words that always make me smile and I couldn't agree more with his statements!

I can't see how it could have been expressed better!

Way to go Nick!

And nice to see that OpenBSD is REALLY the only open source project that really stick to their goals days in days out!

It show!!!

Thanks for making such a refreshing OS to all devs that stick to the real goal and that really understand the meaning of such a statement.


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