--- Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can tell someone who has spent too long with
> Windows, they are the ones
> bragging about "uptime", thinking it is a wonderful
> and shocking thing when
> you go over a year without rebooting.  Uh..what was
> supposed to happen?

Can you imagine if someone came up to you and said
"Wow. I've been driving my car now for a whole
month and not once has it refused to start or
just shut off spontaneously. Isn't that great?"
You would think he was insane for buying such
a car. And if cars actually did work as reliably
as MS Windows there would be lynch mobs at every
car dealership. So why do so many people tolerate
it with their computers?

BTW, for all those uptime junkies. How long you
have gone without rebooting does not really
impress me. If you make any major changes to
an OS's configuration files and you do not
reboot to test it, you are a fool. Because you
may have made an error and you may not discover
that error for a long time. And when you do
'have' to reboot and it won't, it probably
won't be at a really nice convenient time.
And you probably won't remember what you did
to cause it.
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