Hi , I don’t know if this list got my reply so I’m going to resend it hopefully in a much better format. Unfortunately I’m on mobile so I apologize for the formatting. I’m going to keep this as short as possible. And again thank you again for your input!
match out on egress inet from !(egress) to any nat-to (egress:0) match in on $int_if inet from <xbox> tag myxbox match out on egress inet nat-to (egress:0) static-port tagged myxbox 1. I tried your match rules listed above exactly and test my Xbox and it went back to NAT Type Strict. Also airplay no longer recognizes the Roku devices anymore for IOS devices. I went back to old way putting static port on the main match rule and it worked again. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? The only differences in my config were: match in on $dmz inet from <xbox_addr> tag seriess match out on egress inet nat-to (egress:0) static-port tagged seriess Thank you, Lewis Ingraham