I have built a router and it seems as if no matter what I try I can never seem to understand how to get NAT Type Open on the Xbox series S/X devices . I have one example on my pf.conf where I have tried to use port forwarding  according to the openbsd documentation but it still comes out with NAT Type Strict. I have also tried disabling port randomization with multiple match rules to no avail. I’ve also tried playing around with the quick keywords, rule order, using parentheses around the word egress, changing egress to the actual wan interface name, and using keywords like static-port at the end of the match rules, as well as adding port 1024:65535 to either/both egress after (to) or the device address after (NAT-to)which also didn’t work. I was able to verify that Upnp does indeed work properly both on the device and the router. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong/point me to the docs that would help with this?

P.S: I apologize for bad formatting as I am on a phone. Also pf.conf, sysctl.conf as well as miniupnpd.conf are attached for reference. 

Attachment: miniupnpd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sysctl.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pf.conf
Description: Binary data

Thank you,
Lewis Ingraham 

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