Theo de Raadt wrote in <>: |I looked very closely, it started like this | | "Just a rant" | |And I knew the email was coming from a self-centered individual who is |unhappy with the entirely volunteer work done by others, yet not unhappy |enough to quit OpenBSD and switch to another operating sytem where |there will be similar unhappiness because those other systems also won't |do precisely what you want.
You could have adjusted this a bit after pasting it. ..mumble.. |Your email is not appropriate. If you don't like OpenBSD, use something Yes that is true, i really do apologise for the yelling. (I do recognize that some people can make a living from OpenBSD.) |else, because noone deserves an email which starts with those 3 words |you chose, and the following complaint is such horseshit in a world |where disk drives are cheap. I started OpenBSD a quarter of a century Oh i have 5GB download per 28 days, with max of ~2.7 MB/sec, but often less. The next two weeks practically nothing now, there are so many wars, you do not know where to look first. |ago by spending $3500 for a 300MB drive and ate noodles and tuna for By then i also ate tuna. I apologise very, very much. Even our Russian grocery here had to increase prices by 50 percent now, peas 1,79€/800G, buckwheat 2,89€/800G, and they use a new recipe for the ice! That is a real shame. Rice and peas i mean, add fish sauce and a Vietcong would have been your life long friend. The times they are a-ch-ch-changing. The Italiens at least kill the tuna by hand, once a year, in that terrible slaughter session, "Mattanza". That is minimal respect compared to artificial robotic slaughter experience. Maybe. |many months to make up for that, and we do not live in a world where you |get to moan about 55MB, relative to whatever it takes to ease the compli\ |cate |work undertaken by the ports developers. I do not even know whether it is still true, i could not find the "not installed" i remembered when grepping infrastructure/. It expands to quite a bit more, the OpenBSD VM ended up as a 1.1GB image (kernel relink objects removed). It actually came out like 2.5GB first (!; no games etc.), so i created a second disk and copied over, leaving off the relink package. This was quite an experience, i thought about sending a patch to tech@ that shows up the sequence fdisk -iy /dev/rsd1c disklabel -F xx -E /dev/sd1c newfs /dev/rsd1c installboot -r XROOT /dev/rsd1a ...copy... in one of the manual pages of the mentioned programs, i had to read FAQ on the web to get this together. Especially "installboot -r", when called from the new volume mounted to /mnt, did not do what i thought or could deduce from my (fast, superficial) glance at the manual, it complained about a readlink failure if i recall correctly (maybe empty path; unfortunately my tmux history of the ncurses qemu output is sketchy, i think some terminal sequences cause clearance at times, for example i have starting RPC daemons:. savecore: no core dump checking quotas: done. clearing /tmp So that from boot still o-0701# installboot -v -r /dev/sd This must be later, but without meaning 8025728d100b2db6.a / ffs rw,wxallowed 1 1 And this is a cat of the generated file Again i am wasting your time only, of course). |In short, Steffen, you need to shut up. Yeah. Well i am from Hessen and back when we Germans were not cloned Americans but Germanen the name of our tribe here was Chatten, and i am afraid this could ring a bell, ne? I do have watched interviews with you and i know you are prowd of your sensors ('wish i had some, but you know the ones sit at the front and the others in the back, and so one group just had bad luck). But our neighbours from Baden-Württemberg produced a nice animated film of Chatten i think twenty years ago[1], if you like sensors mayby this could be a nice 5 minute fun. (Sufficient download provided.) Warning: people named "Tucker" should be careful. "Hessi James"[1] of Badesalz, voila. [1] |Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote: Scary top posting everywhere. At least on OpenBSD people seem to be free enough to no only inject lots of exhaust in toposphere or where those fly, but also can freely choose their email client and use plain-text only, which on other BSDs seems to get rare, maybe $DAYJOB imposed, of course. All those nice HTML mails. Ciao. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)