I looked very closely, it started like this

  "Just a rant"
And I knew the email was coming from a self-centered individual who is
unhappy with the entirely volunteer work done by others, yet not unhappy
enough to quit OpenBSD and switch to another operating sytem where
there will be similar unhappiness because those other systems also won't
do precisely what you want.

Your email is not appropriate.  If you don't like OpenBSD, use something
else, because noone deserves an email which starts with those 3 words
you chose, and the following complaint is such horseshit in a world
where disk drives are cheap.  I started OpenBSD a quarter of a century
ago by spending $3500 for a 300MB drive and ate noodles and tuna for
many months to make up for that, and we do not live in a world where you
get to moan about 55MB, relative to whatever it takes to ease the complicate
work undertaken by the ports developers.

In short, Steffen, you need to shut up.

Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:

> Theo de Raadt wrote in
>  <36104.1652132...@cvs.openbsd.org>:
>  |The people who do the work make the decisions.
> Ok i will at least look what i was talking about.
>  |Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:
>  |
>  |> Hello.
>  |> 
>  |> Just a rant, not for ports@.
>  |> I am installing OpenBSD 7.1 right now; this is only a VM, and
>  |> i want to create / manage ports there.
>  |> Until now whenever i wanted to do this i had to install xbase,
>  |> otherwise the port makefile complained some.  (I am afraid i have
>  |> forgotten the details.)  Is this still true?  I know i once
>  |> "hacked" it because for my ports it really was not needed, at
>  |> least not really.  Hm.  I think i even posted about this quite
>  |> some years ago.  I have installed xbase now, maybe i even will use
>  |> it (OpenBSD X is always super proper, i cheered this often; CRUX
>  |> also, but of course not base-integrated).  If not then 55 MB for
>  |> a file is quite an act.
>  |> 
>  |> --steffen
>  |>|
>  |>|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
>  |>|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
>  |>|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
>  |>|(By Robert Gernhardt)
>  |> 
>  --End of <36104.1652132...@cvs.openbsd.org>
> --steffen
> |
> |Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
> |der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
> |einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
> |(By Robert Gernhardt)

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