On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:28 PM <i...@aulix.com> wrote:

> Is not a prohibition for USA citizens to work on OpenBSD cryptography
> software parts an indication of trust relationship between current OpenBSD
> and current USA?

I'm not sure what that sentence even means.  What would a "trust
relationship" between OpenBSD and "current USA" actually mean in terms of a
CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR?  Hell, what does "current USA" even _mean_?!?  Did you
mean to say "the US Federal Government"?  If so, what would "trust between
OpenBSD and the US Federal Government" actually mean in terms of a change
in behavior that you, i...@aulix.com, could actually detect?

And why would *you* care about those ways?  If you can't tell us why you
would care, how can we answer your _real_ question?

There is cryptographic software in OpenBSD that was developed in part by
someone who is/was a US citizen, in OpenSSH even, as a check of
copyright/license statements on source files show.  How does that change
your world view?

Philip Guenther

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