On 2020-05-07 10:00, i...@aulix.com wrote:
> Dear OpenBSD fans,
> Can you please comment negative appraisal from the following
> website:
> https://isopenbsdsecu.re/quotes/
> I did not want to hurt anyone, just looking for a secure OS and
> OpenBSD looked very nice to me before I have found this website.

Rule of life #1: when lots of people hate you, you are either doing
something very wrong...or very right.  People don't waste their time
on people who are average-ish.

That's actually how I found OpenBSD -- reading through a once
popular chat website, saw people spending a lot of time throwing a
lot of hate and personal attacks at Theo and his team.  Well, by my
figuring, anyone who gets that much venom tossed at them needs a
looking at!  That was 22+ years ago. No regrets.  You have to decide
for yourself if OpenBSD is very right or very wrong for you (not a
lot of people in the middle, and that's fine.)

Looking at the quotes, I see...
* Jealousy
* competitors
* broad, general statements
* Blablabla
* People with a self contradictory titles.
* people hiding behind pseudonyms
* People that have All The Answers, just waiting for someone to
do what they say.
* Name callers
* "No shit Sherlock"ers
* "OpenBSD sucks, I like your website!"
* "OpenBSD does what it set out to do, I like your website"
* People "removing all doubt" (as in, "Better to be thought a
fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt")
* "if it isn't popular, it's not good"er
* unbacked claims.
* another, this one thinks only about fighting the past wars.
* more unbacked claims, this one, totally anonymous. 
* A person wanting YOU to find exploits in OSs.  Guess they are all
pretty secure if they aren't finding them themselves.

Seriously, if you understand OpenBSD's work, you would take
many of those quotes as complements.  OpenBSD's security mitigations
broke a "secure" language?  Maybe you should check your assumptions.
Elsewhere on that website, he mocks OpenBSD for calling someone
"inaccurate jerks" -- I happened to click on that, since it didn't
exactly roll off the tongue, and what is the actual context?  Theo
saying, "No, that's not a hardware problem, that's an OpenBSD problem
and it should be fixed".  You were not supposed to look at the
context, I guess.  The line about "Insults" is actually someone mock-
complaining about doas not insulting users like sudo does.The
more stuff I click on, the more I start to think, this is an irony
site!  This guy LOVES OpenBSD!  Well, fudge.  I just wasted a lot of
time writing this!)


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