> What tools do people find useful for writing on OpenBSD? By writing I mean 
> long form such as novels and technical books, including plot and character 
> development, outlining, and formatting for publishing (not all the same 
> application necessarily)
Not sure for plot and characters.
I would recommend txt2tags [1], txtproc/txt2tags in ports.
There is also a more up-to-date version written in python3 (2], both works
It can convert txt2tags syntax in different formats, such as html or tex
(useful to get nice PDF).
The most interesting imho are : 

- ``postproc`` and ``preproc`` instruction. Sort of ``#define`` in C or
``\newcommand`` in LaTeX. Very useful.
- ``include``. Also available in LaTeX.

Have a look at [3] for an example. 
One might do markdown + sed + Makefile for the same result.

Using txt2tags, I wrote a ≈350 pages book in PDF [4] and maintain it for
a little more than two years now, very happy with txt2tags.

If txt2tags is not enough, then LaTeX is great, but requires to learn a
lot more to use it correctly.


[1]: https://txt2tags.org/
[2]: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/txt2tags
[4]: https://ybad.name/ah/

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