>Curious as to what has been "started".  Looks like nothing.

Frankly, I'd settle for popping the BIOS out and replacing it
with a 1970's EPROM, if I thought I could do that without
melting everything.  So, yeah.  Nothing.  Starting with nothing.
Looks that way to me, too.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 1:03 AM Frank Beuth <secli...@boxdan.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 09:16:04PM -0500, James Huddle wrote:
> >Personally, I envision a sort of "open source BIOS"
> >library in the distant future.  Something we jack in on jtag
> >if we have to.  There is no harm in *starting.*  Meanwhile,
> >my super productive Dell laptop can't keep me from wondering
> >what the SMM is doing during the SMI, while obsd or any other
> >OS sleeps.
> There is Coreboot, but it's not a complete solution to the problem yet
> - it does address SMM/SMI but as far as I can tell not necessarily on all
>   platforms,
> - options for removing Intel ME/AMD PSP are limited,
> - and of course it does not cover e.g onboad ARM coprocessors, embedded
>   controllers, keyboard controllers, hard disk controllers which may be
> smart
>   enough to run a whole Linux kernel and edit your files behind your back
>   <http://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack>, etc...

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