Hi Ingo,

Yes, I realise my question was quite vague but it was deliberately very general 
in the hope of netting the broadest range of opinions.

I do have specialisations and specific interests, and the nature of my studies 
will largely be self directed and primarily code generating.

I am simply canvasing for problems that might intersect with those I already 
have in mind. It's the old, you don't know what you don't know, and I prefer 
not to lead people too much when when attempting to solicit this kind of 
information. Sometimes, I find lateral opinions to be very useful in 
formulating new ideas or direction.

Nonetheless, thanks for your thoughts.


Paul Swanson

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-------- Original Message --------
On Feb 20, 2019, 04:54, Ingo Schwarze wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Short answer:
> Shut up and hack.
> The same answer in more verbose form:
> Research is often regarded as equally valuable as cheap and useless
> talk in the OpenBSD community - unless it is accompanied by source
> code patches actually making things better.
> (That's an oversimplification, but i hope you get the idea.)
> Regarding what to work on:
> Almost everything can be improved.
> Finding out what you are interested in, what you are capable of,
> and finding out *yourself* what needs to be done (both in a specific
> situation and globally) is among the most important qualifications;
> attending university is one way to try and learn that, but no
> guarantee for actually learning it.
> Your question is naive and not specific enough to permit any
> answer that might be satisfactory.
> Yours,
> Ingo
> Paul Swanson wrote on Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:22:05AM +0000:
>> I'm beginning a Computer Science Master's program and would
>> like to hear from members of the OpenBSD community about
>> possible areas of research that could be of benefit to OpenBSD
>> and its associated projects.
>> I have some general areas of interest, such as embedded
>> computing, but nothing is set in stone yet, so I thought it'd
>> be fun to hear from those in know about areas of priority need
>> within the OpenBSD community.
>> Are there particular problems that could benefit from new
>> ideas or solutions?
>> Please let me know your thoughts!
>> Regards,
>> Paul Swanson

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