Hi Frank,

Frank Beuth wrote on Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 09:32:53AM +0700:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 04:22:05AM +0000, Paul Swanson wrote:

>> I have some general areas of interest, such as embedded
>> computing, but nothing is set in stone yet, so I thought it'd
>> be fun to hear from those in know about areas of priority need
>> within the OpenBSD community.
>> Are there particular problems that could benefit from new
>> ideas or solutions?

> An area that I am personally interested in is running OpenBSD on fully 
> open-source / binary-blob-free hardware:

No doubt fully open hardware is an interesting concept, and helping it
arguably makes sense.

But that topic is *orthogonal* to helping OpenBSD, which is what
the OP asked about.

As for any other operating system, trusting an OpenBSD machine
implies trusting the hardware and firmware the OS is running on.
>From the perspective of OpenBSD, the distinction of hardware and
firmware is irrelevant, and so is the question *why* the users
trusts the hardware and firmware.  OpenBSD merely uses the hardware
and the firmware, whatever it may be.

So while helping open hardware and open firmware is likely useful,
that is not helping OpenBSD.  Nor does OpenBSD prefer free firmware
over non-free firmware in any way.


We do ask vendors to make non-free firmware freely redistributable,
as a matter of user convenience, but that is a distinct matter.

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