On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 12:25:12PM +0200, Aham Brahmasmi wrote:
> Craig,
> Thank you for your exhaustive reply - the list of checks along with
> current workarounds to achieve them are very helpful. I now know that
> I need to learn even more.

Indeed, interesting reading.

> > OpenSMTPd's filter interface is not yet usable (last update 12/2014):
> > http://www.poolp.org/posts/2014-12-12/the-state-of-filters/
> Slide 73 of https://www.openbsd.org/papers/eurobsdcon2017-opensmtpd.pdf
> mentions smtpfd - smtp filtering daemon. The slides are informative in
> terms of the thinking behind filters that OpenSMTPD plans to introduce.
> Some of the changes proposed in that talk like the modified grammar are
> now in -current. I may be wrong here but the filter/smtpfd might have
> been held back for post-6.4 introduction.

That is exactly the case.

I have a non-invasive implementation of filters which I'm happy with and
which I intend to commit shortly after OpenBSD 6.4 is tagged, so we have
a full release cycle to work on details, keywords and such, in order for
the feature to be production ready for 6.5.

I _do_ have filters on my laptop right now.

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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