Hi Craig,

Thank you for sharing your valuable experience. I apologize for bumping
up this slightly old thread.

> After that, the MTA needs to be able to check the DNS validity of the
> sender's SMTP HELO hostname, and check their DNS PTR record is valid,
> and both the mail's envelope and address from domains have MX records. 

1) Could you please suggest some script/mechanism that performs
these DNS PTR == SMTP HELO, envelope-address-from-domains-have-MX et al
checks with OpenSMTPD as the MTA? I may be wrong here, but I could not
see options to perform these useful checks in smtpd(8)/smtpd.conf(5)
man pages. In case greyscanner does this, please disregard this
question. I came to know about greyscanner in this thread, but
struggle with understanding perl.

> A -> B -> C
> spamd -> MTA (with loads of DNS knobs) -> Dovecot (via LMTP) which writes 
> mail to disk.

2) Is IPv6 support in spamd essential? In other words, does lack of IPv6
support in spamd hurt in terms of spam being delivered over IPv6? I may
be wrong here, but the IPv6 spamd patch has reincarnated - 
Unfortunately, I do not know the current state of that patch beyond
those toots by @phessler.

And in case it helps anyone, https://github.com/vedetta-com/caesonia
along with https://github.com/vedetta-com/vedetta is a useful resource.


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