I've had a very good experience with the Netherlands-based transip.
Their pricing is competitive (especially for storage if you don't want
do deal with anything S3-like), they are reliable, and have also been
good at keeping up with new OpenBSD releases:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Steve Fairhead <st...@fivetrees.com> wrote:
> Yes, I have consulted the interwebs. But, forsooth, the interwebs have
> forsaken me...
> I've been running various colocated OpenBSD boxen for a long time (19
> years?). The hardware is mine; the phat pipe I pay for, in some aircon'ed
> warehouse somewhere in southern England... never been... (I'm in West
> Sussex/Surrey, but I doubt that matters these days.)
> Two of my machines are getting a little elderly, and need replacing... and
> my son-in-law (I quite like him) said "have you considered virtual
> hosting?". Hmmm.
> I would love to be able to do this - make the hardware someone else's
> problem - and maybe into the bargain pay less per month.
> I gather Amazon are not quite there yet re OpenBSD virtual machines. Can
> anyone here provide a cluebat as to prospects or alternatives? I don't want
> to move away from OpenBSD - it's my security blanket... and I love it *so*
> much...
> Steve

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