I use Cloud Sigma for this

contact info: http://nacredata.com/devin

> On Jun 14, 2018, at 18:09, Stuart Longland <stua...@longlandclan.id.au> wrote:
>> On 15/06/18 06:50, Steve Fairhead wrote:
>> I gather Amazon are not quite there yet re OpenBSD virtual machines. Can
>> anyone here provide a cluebat as to prospects or alternatives? I don't
>> want to move away from OpenBSD - it's my security blanket... and I love
>> it *so* much...
> I use Vultr for a virtual host which does some static hosting
> (openhttpd) and DNS (nsd).  They ship an OpenBSD image, but it's based
> on OpenBSD 6.0, so you'll want to bring your own ISO image and do the
> installation yourself.
> The console can be a bit idiosyncratic with the installer/console I
> find, but it's usable.  Once you have a SSH key deployed the console
> doesn't matter much.
> That said, I'm interested in alternatives, as Vultr aren't completely
> honest with regards to their plans; specifically they don't tell people
> that the $2.50/month plans are actually meant as "sandboxes" rather than
> permanent instances.
> About their only redeeming feature for me is they've got a few data
> centres around the world including Sydney (where my VPS is located) and
> they're not expensive.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
> I haven't lost my mind...
>  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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