"Bryan Harris" <bryanlhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "My mother had a favorite saying (origin unknown): "You can get used to
> anything if you do it long enough. Even hanging." She trotted out that
> saying whenever my siblings or I complained about something that wasn't
> going to change."
> And later:
> "Persuasion Tip #22: People automatically get used to minor annoyances over
> time."
> "My mom's point of view captures an important rule in persuasion. People
> can get past minor annoyances if you give them enough time. Humans quickly
> adapt to just about anything that doesn't kill them."

What Rupert described did not seem to me an annoyance.

And define 'adapt to'. Tolerate? Accept? Assimilate? 

I'll be honest with you: the social engineering approach rather
disgusts me. And I happen to know a lot of people who won't fall for it,
anyway. On the contrary. They'd be walking out the moment it'd be tried.

Overall, I'd advice against this approach.


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