"Noah" <focusha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The software does mostly the same things, but you moved the menus and
> buttons around. The pictures they recognize aren't there. Things work just
> a little differently now. For some, it takes longer to do the things they
> need to do. They have muscle memory and "shortcuts" that some of us find
> silly (such as "I don't know what it's called, but it's always been the
> squiggly icon near the top right corner" or "it's the third thing down on
> the second menu bar list"). Chances are, the revolt would be similar
> upgrading from Win XP to 7, 7 to 10, or office 97 to office 2012.
> Prepare to be very patient with them. Give them the training and resources
> they need to get their workflows back. They just want to do their jobs, and
> they don't care if you dislike the tools they've grown comfortable with.

You're looking at it from a purely technical perspective. I'm not sure
that's justified, given all the potential social causes Rupert and I
just identified. 

Besides, despite all technical measures, you can't make people like

Except of course with application of the hungry doberman and the length
of rubber hose...


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