"Rupert Gallagher" <r...@protonmail.com> rote:
> We nerds are the other side of the problem, because we are apparently unable 
> to understand their problem.

And even if we understand it, we often cannot offer a solution that
satisfies them.

> We have little simpathy for those who frown without evidence of an actual 
> problem.

The flip side of this is that a feeling sometimes *is* a good indicator
that there's something wrong, without being able to consciously define
that 'something'.

> Perhaps this is an example that humans still find it comfortable to
> "follow and go along together", like a herd of sheeps.

If that's all they've ever known...

> Since "word" and "excel" is what they hear and use, perhaps they feel
> "cheap" or "non-standard" by using something else.

IME that attitude goes from politics all the way down to underwear. 

> Perhaps all we need to do with libreoffice is to improve its
> spash-screen, its icons and menus, and they will never notice the
> difference.

Yeah well, gnome, kde, et al certainly appear to follow the 'IBM CUA'
approach: a grand unified set of rules, determined through extensive
pseudo-scientific research... resulting in an appearance that only a
mother could love :)

I might be wrong, though. I don't use those.


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