* i3j...@airmail.cc [2017-07-26 01:01]: > Hey list. I need a server to host a very simple website. > I've been looking for a OpenBSD host that offers 'full' control > over the machine though SSH. Anyone has recommendations? > My needs: simple low traffic httpd(8) website (no javascript), > even a Core2Duo, 2GB of RAM and a HDD with space to install > base system (without Xenocara, of course) would be enough. > I can't do it on some random laptop because I need it to be > anonymous (it will have sensitive journalistic information[*]). > Ideally that accept cryptocoins (dashcoin or plain bitcoin) and > from a country like Romania or Iceland, because of their historic > free-speech protection (again, *ideally*). > I see the people from Libreboot have a project to build a host, > but I don't think they support OpenBSD yet and I think they never > will... because of Stallmanism BS ("closed firmware == blob").
Host1.no will let you run OpenBSD in a VM. They accept bitcoins and have several "sensitive" clients (one is very well-known). Host1 also have a "cloud" platform called cloud1.no, it runs on rather old Xen, but thanks to great efforts of Mike B, OpenBSD works fine there as well. Installation is not straightforward, though, but it is doable... Host1 will also let you rent a dedicated box, if you need it. Or you could get a cheap 55 EUR dedicated box at Blix (https://www.blix.com/servers), who is also great, but Blix won't accept BTC AFAIC. Host1 and Blix are based in Norway.