On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 01:01:20AM +0000, i3j...@airmail.cc wrote: > Hey list. I need a server to host a very simple website. > I've been looking for a OpenBSD host that offers 'full' control > over the machine though SSH. Anyone has recommendations? > My needs: simple low traffic httpd(8) website (no javascript), > even a Core2Duo, 2GB of RAM and a HDD with space to install > base system (without Xenocara, of course) would be enough. > I can't do it on some random laptop because I need it to be > anonymous (it will have sensitive journalistic information[*]). > Ideally that accept cryptocoins (dashcoin or plain bitcoin) and > from a country like Romania or Iceland, because of their historic > free-speech protection (again, *ideally*). > I see the people from Libreboot have a project to build a host, > but I don't think they support OpenBSD yet and I think they never > will... because of Stallmanism BS ("closed firmware == blob"). > > > Regards. > > > > ps. Yes, I've searched the marc.info archive. > ps2. please don't reply directly to this mail, but to the list. > > [*] nothing illegal, btw, it will just possibly make some political > people very angry. >
I've been using www.vultr.com happily.