Hi, I put together a script last week, for now i run it every hour in cron to see how/if temperature vaies over time. I don't have any usable sensors on my mobo.
DISKS="0 1 2 3" S=`date +"%b %e %H:%M:%S "` for d in $DISKS; do TEMP=`atactl wd$d readattr |grep Temp |cut -f 4` S="$S\t$TEMP" done echo $S crontab: 0 * * * * /bin/sh /root/temp.sh >> /var/log/temp Cheers, /jkm * Ricardo Lucas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > Hello misc, > anyone knows a program that monitoring the cpu temperature and hard disk > temperature and rotation?! > Thank's for your time > > -- > Abragos > Ricardo Lucas > > We have to stop been egoist and think more on ourselves.