> Luke Small <lukensm...@gmail.com>
> >    [...] It would be very easy to write a C
> >    program to parse and edit fstab to make all the partitions softdep. I
> >    wouldn't know how to automate a disklabel call in the way that
> >    https://www.vultr.com/docs/setup-openbsd-5-6-with-full-disk-encryption
> >    performs it. [...]

See how when you start getting funny ideas on top of an online tutorial
elsewhere made you look completely out of touch with reality?  This is
happening over and over.  While simply reading man pages and the
OpenBSD frequently asked question suffices.

On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:07:02 +0100 Carsten Kunze <carsten.ku...@arcor.de> 
> Not necessary that you tinker with a C programm, there is already
> sed(1) which can change fstab and disklabel.
> The current installer is just perfect.  For any additional task a
> generic method would be that you write a shell script which
> does your complete personal system configuration.

Exactly so.

Now the next question, who can first find the actual installer in the
CVS tree?  Please report your findings to Luke, who needs tips how to
extend it for his own use case.

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