On 10/20/15 07:09, Abel Abraham Camarillo Ojeda wrote:
> Hi
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Nick Holland
> <n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
>> [...]
>> and thus, I'll suggest you just don't worry about it.  IF you manage to
>> find a way to panic your machine, drop the memory waaaay down to 2G or
>> so, reproduce it and worry about a 2G core dump.
> Nick, In this case boot.conf:
> machine memory=2G
> would be enough? or should one get other ram sticks...?

Forgot about that...but yes, I suspect that would work nicely.

But still -- remember what developers ask for most often: a good problem
report: panic message, trace and ps output, a dmesg and info about how
to repeat the problem.  If people would reliably provide that, they'd
make developers very very happy.

Not being a coder, I hesitate to say this, but I don't recall anyone
being asked for a system core dump by a developer.  (my statement is
accurate: I don't recall.  The conclusions you draw may or may not be :)


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