On 2015-03-14, Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves <m...@mbg.pt> wrote:
> No dia 14/03/2015, às 01:50, Nick Holland
><n...@holland-consulting.net> escreveu:
>>> On 03/13/15 15:38, Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Installed Ubuntu 14.04.2 (amd64) and the NIC does not work: it does not
>>> configure through DHCP and it simply does not work if I set a static IP
>>> address.
>>> Ran FreeBSD 10.1 (amd64) Live CD and the network worked fine.
>>> It seems this machine does not like Linux.
>> ...
>> *looking around*  As this is an OpenBSD list, I think it sounds like it
>> is working just fine. ;)

that's not *entirely* helpful..but since the problem only exhibits itself
on other OS, they might be better placed to help diagnose the problem.

> It was working fine before installing OpenBSD, it works with OpenBSD
> and now it does not work with Linux.

Have you tried using the exact same Linux version that was working before?

> After this I am afraid of running OpenBSD on any machine. I will
> surely not do it.
> I am not trying to create a war here. This is just how I feel because
> I have a 1U brick now.

Can you use a PCI/PCIE nic to get it on the net to make it easier for
Linux people to try and help you?

I've been reading the openbsd lists for quite a long time, to put this
in perspective I never heard of a problem like this before, though
to be fair this isn't something most people would notice.

> I am leaving this list after this.
> Many thanks for all the suggestions you gave me to solve this issue.
> Bye!

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