On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 15:48:02 +0000
Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves <m...@mbg.pt> wrote:

> I recently installed OpenBSD 5.6 on an amd64 platform. Everything went
> smoothly. After installation, at the first boot, OpenBSD updated the
> firmware of some devices. I found this strange...

OpenBSD runs fw_update(8) on first boot. fw_update simply downloads
firmware packages and installs firmware onto the filesystem (not
directly into the devices that use it) for drivers that need to load it
at runtime. Linux has a similar firmware-loading mechanism, but it
typically ships the firmware embedded in the kernel.

> I had to reinstall this machine with CentOS and now the NIC does not
> work.

Did the machine work with CentOS previously? It seems extremely
unlikely that fw_update would be able to break Linux's use of the
hardware, since that firmware is loaded on every boot by the relevant
driver in both operating systems.

> I reinstalled OpenBSD again and it works. I tried to reflash the NIC's
> firmware and the installer does not recognize the NIC. At the moment,
> the machine only works with OpenBSD...

Some details as to specifically what you did and what failed, as well as
a dmesg, would be useful here. All I can say with the information given
is that, if your Broadcom NIC requires non-free firmware to be loaded by
the driver, the OpenBSD installer would not be able to use it because
it does not include non-free firmware.

If fw_update was able to run on first boot, though, it sounds like your
NIC is usable without firmware. Again, a dmesg would help (I'm not even
sure which of the three Broadcom NIC drivers in OpenBSD you're using).

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