On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Eric Furman <ericfur...@fastmail.net>

> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014, at 02:02 AM, Bernte wrote:
> > On 14/08/14 16:14, Nicolai wrote:
> > > On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 07:16:41AM +0100, Bernte wrote:
> > >> Could you please just clarify: I have money and I want that to go to
> the
> > >> OpenBSD project. I would like as much as possible to make it there
> (from
> > >> the UK in my case), I would like to give the OpenBSD people the
> highest
> > >> degree of freedom of what to do with it, and don't need any physical
> > >> gadgets to go with it. What is the optimal way to achieve this?
> > >
> > > The OpenBSD Foundation.
> > >
> > > http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/donations.html
> > >
> > > Theo has mentioned it several times this year as being the preferred
> > > route.  It's as simple as possible.
> > >
> > > Nicolai
> >
> > Thanks Nicolai for the answer. A few things have been clarified
> > off-list. I now understand the implications of the different routes to
> > OpenBSD.
> >
> > Bernd
> >
> The best way to help OpenBSD is to help Theo de Raadt.
> The best way to do that is to buy CD's.
> Buy a CD and request no CD delivery.
> Buy many CD's with this intent.
> Buy a CD and have it shipped to Theo.
> (not ideal but an option)
> Theo does not like to admit it, understandably, but the main
> funding of Theo de Raadt's expenses is paid for by CD sales.
> If you want OpenBSD to continue to exist *BUY* *CD's*.
> If you want the most secure binaries and to help the
> OpenBSD project BUY CD's!
> SWIFT and the Foundation fund things like Hackathons.
> (I welcome corrections if I am am wrong)
> Those things are great.
> CD sales support Theo de Raadt directly.
> Property taxes
> Mortgage
> Food
> Beer

can One donate Beer to openBSD fondation ?

> All sorts of other ESSENTIAL expenses.
> We do not want Theo to have to get a commercial job.
> That would prevent him from being able to direct the
> OpenBSD project.
> If that happened then OpenBSD would cease to exist.
> BUY CD's
> It's really not that complicated.
> P.S. Theo de Raadt is an asshole. :)
> P.P.S. but if you care about OpenBSD that shit is irrelevant. ;)

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