Hahaha, lol!! Yes peter :)

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Aug 2014, at 10:17, Peter Hessler <phess...@theapt.org> wrote:
> options:
> 1) cash in envelope, put into mail
> 2) bank cheque in envelope, put in mail
> 3) suck it up, and stop caring about the middle man's cut
> 4) bank transfers (also: see #3)
> 5) fly to canada with a suitcase of money
> 6) bank transfers to the EUROPEAN bank
> 7) OpenBSD Foundatation
> On 2014 Aug 14 (Thu) at 10:02:42 +0100 (+0100), Andy wrote:
> :We've found this strangely difficult to do also.. Just want to donate, don't
> :want stuff in return, don't want middle men taking a cut..
> :
> :
> :On 14/08/14 09:59, Janne Johansson wrote:
> :>Talk to www.openbsdeurope.com, which happens to be in the UK.
> :>I'm sure they can arrange for donations in a simple-for-you way even if you
> :>don't need a product back.
> :>
> :>
> :>
> :>2014-08-14 8:16 GMT+02:00 Bernte <ber...@fams.de>:
> :>
> :>>On 14/08/14 01:10, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> :>>>>How does it compare for using the SWIFT method outlined on the website?
> :>>>The SWIFT donations go to the Project.  That is spent on things which
> :>>>the Foundation doesn't pay for.
> :>>Gee - CDs, T-Shirts, Project, Foundation - all this discussion starts to
> :>>confuse me.
> :>>
> :>>Theo, I am planning to donate, but I am loosing my understanding of the
> :>>optimal way.
> :>>
> :>>Could you please just clarify: I have money and I want that to go to the
> :>>OpenBSD project. I would like as much as possible to make it there (from
> :>>the UK in my case), I would like to give the OpenBSD people the highest
> :>>degree of freedom of what to do with it, and don't need any physical
> :>>gadgets to go with it. What is the optimal way to achieve this?
> :>>
> :>>Thanks,
> :>>Bernd
> :
> -- 
> Democracy is good.  I say this because other systems are worse.
>        -- Jawaharlal Nehru

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