We've found this strangely difficult to do also.. Just want to donate,
don't want stuff in return, don't want middle men taking a cut..
On 14/08/14 09:59, Janne Johansson wrote:
Talk to www.openbsdeurope.com, which happens to be in the UK.
I'm sure they can arrange for donations in a simple-for-you way even if you
don't need a product back.
2014-08-14 8:16 GMT+02:00 Bernte <ber...@fams.de>:
On 14/08/14 01:10, Theo de Raadt wrote:
How does it compare for using the SWIFT method outlined on the website?
The SWIFT donations go to the Project. That is spent on things which
the Foundation doesn't pay for.
Gee - CDs, T-Shirts, Project, Foundation - all this discussion starts to
confuse me.
Theo, I am planning to donate, but I am loosing my understanding of the
optimal way.
Could you please just clarify: I have money and I want that to go to the
OpenBSD project. I would like as much as possible to make it there (from
the UK in my case), I would like to give the OpenBSD people the highest
degree of freedom of what to do with it, and don't need any physical
gadgets to go with it. What is the optimal way to achieve this?