On 31-07-2014 19:47, Zach Leslie wrote:
> Yes, and Puppet can exec those commands for you.  Tools like fail2ban
> can manage the local system's table, but can't (to my knowledge)
> distribute the contents of that table to other systems in the
> environment dynamically.  PuppetDB gives you this and more.
Pfsync just sync states. But writing a simple script to run pfctl across
all the firewalls is simple. Even share the database. Using puppet just
because of this, is overkill.
> I hear you that people should be competent in what they are doing.
Competence is different than knowledge. They generally go together, but
just knowledge does not make you competent.
> Configuration management tools, like Puppet, can quickly abstract
> knowledge of a particular technology away from the user and isolate
> understanding for said technology to a smaller group of people with
> those skills.  This is the nature of technology, though, is it not?
> Abstractions built on abstractions, packages including libraries, etc.
> There is an inherent trust in the tools and, more importantly, the
> authors of those tools.  This does not mean that the "recipes" (as you
> put it) are inherently bad, or manage a system poorly, or that great
> care cannot be taken to manage a system effectively, and securely.  Ha,
> but there is also lots of bad code in the world.  Such is life.
Of course. But the problem is a false sense of rightness and security
that these tools give to people that are not aware of all the
implications. If you read a recipe and does not understand all that it
does, then how can you be sure it won't mess with your system.
> The trust in a system's authors is one of the major reasons I use
> OpenBSD in critical infrastructure without having to know anything about
> how the compiler functions at its core.  Without this trust, we'd still
> be smacking coconuts against rocks instead of building bridges to the
> "UberTech", so to speak.
Don't get me wrong. I like these tools. But, for a few servers, I prefer
to manage them directly. I'm warning that these tools need proper use,
they are not a one size fits all solution.


Giancarlo Razzolini
GPG: 4096R/77B981BC

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