On 01-08-2014 09:32, sven falempin wrote: > actually if you dont put a + it is plain diff and a backup in /var, > the security could be run more often (it is called in the cron), and > because the script is present there is no need to write it again. security(8) is called by daily(8). You could call it from other scripts. But I advise against changing daily(8) to run more often. > > I asked a long time ago if someone know a <versionning> system that does not > rely on a local copy like .git .svn etc... > > i found some exotic weard stuff but nothing fancy. What do you mean rely on a local copy? I don't make symlinks to files in my clonned repo. I instead have a script that copies the files to /etc or whatever is their place. The most amazing thing of git is just the fact that your repo is a full copy. If something should happen to your central repo, your backups, and your carp master node(doomsday?), you can recover everything from a single cloned repo.
Cheers, -- Giancarlo Razzolini GPG: 4096R/77B981BC [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which had a name of smime.p7s]