On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Leonardo Santagostini
<lsantagost...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe puppet?
> Regards
> El jul 29, 2014 12:08 a.m., "Nick Holland" <n...@holland-consulting.net>
> escribió:
>> On 07/28/14 07:50, Peus, Christoph wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > is there a standard or recommended way to keep the pf.conf on the CARP
>> cluster
>> > members in sync?
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> No one standard or recommended way, but lots of ideas, as you can see.
>> Here's mine, but for the moment, I'll leave you to develop the script.
>> My design philosophy:
>> 1) No additional hw, other than the two firewalls.
>> 2) EITHER machine should be able to act as master.
>> 3) EITHER machine should be able to provide all the info to rebuild the
>> failed machine.
>> 4) Change control is good, just not how managers usually like to
>> implement it.
>> 5) uses no other packages (rsync to move pf.conf around?  I don't think
>> that's needed)
>> So...  I wrote a relatively simple little script which
>> * Figures out which the "other" machine is
>> * does a "diff -u" of the changes between the local machine and the
>> "other" machine (assuming the "other" machine is the old config)
>> * Displays the diff to the user, and asks you to explain the change.
>> * records the diff and your explanation to a file with a date and time
>> stamp as a file name into a change log directory.
>> * copies the pf.conf and the change log file to the corresponding
>> directory in the "other" machine.
>> * pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf's the other machine.
>> So...you make a change on one box (EITHER!), test it, when satisified,
>> you run the sync script.  It compares the changed file to the other
>> system, shows you the diff, and you can:
>> 1) comment it and save it to both
>> 2) Realize you made a typo, and deleted something you didn't intend to
>> or fat-fingered something you didn't intend to, fix.
>> 3) Realize that you made some other changes that weren't sync'd on
>> either machine
>> 4) etc.
>> The script is identical between machines, so if you lose EITHER
>> firewall, the other can be used to rebuild the missing system, including
>> the history.
>> If something goes horribly wrong, you just dig out the history file, and
>> revert the change.  If something goes horribly wrong before you sync it,
>> log into the "other" firewall, and push the changes back.
>> Wonder why a rule is in the firewall? Look back through the change log
>> and read the comments.
>> I've done the same thing with DNS zone files and config files, (in my
>> opinion) better than the BIND "master/slave" model -- set up each node
>> as a master, and sync the data through scripts like this.
>> Nick.

where are you storing the change history ?

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