> Em 26-03-2014 16:59, Theo de Raadt escreveu:
> >> On 2014-03-26, Giancarlo Razzolini <grazzol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> If your siteXX has
> >>> sensible information you can use ssl with authentication.
> >> The installer doesn't include openssl.
> > Funny, Stuart.
> >
> > My processs is to always look at the size of a statically linked
> > binary to make a guess as to whether it could go onto the installer.
> > At the very least, it should fit.
> >
> > (Whether it belongs there is a different question)
> >
> > For this check, the vax is convenient.  Binaries are still static.
> > They are actually smaller than they might be on other architectures,
> > so let's compare:
> >
> >     text    data    bss     dec     hex
> >     1406523 42740   41692   1490955 16c00b
> >
> > Wow.  Only a small part of that is libc code that might be shared by
> > other stuff on the "instbin" binary which makes the install media
> > work.
> >
> > Whereas the amd64 instbin binary, which contains EVERYTHING you need
> > to install is, today:
> >
> >     text    data    bss     dec     hex
> >     1276644 35040   652568  1964252 1df8dc
> >
> > Good luck making it fit.
> >
> Theo,
>     I agree with you that the installer must be as small as possible,
> and still offer a good mix of ways to install the software. With
> signify, the security of the underlying security of the protocol being
> used in the installation, becomes irrelevant, as long as you trust the
> initial key and as long as you are not trying to obfuscate which
> platform/sets/packages you are installing.
>     Personally I don't do network installs, only as last resort. I
> prefer using a usb stick. Our OP apparently does not has physical access
> to the machines so it has to rely on network installs/upgrades,
> whatever. If he can dedicate a machine for making it's own mirror, it's
> the best alternative.
>     It would be nice to have openssl in the installer, but it surely
> isn't much of a problem nowadays.

That's entirely true, but signify only works for the signed base sets.

site*.tgz is now a pretty serious outlier.  I feel we might have to do
a rather large departure from the current model to make that file safe
again.  I know it is fetched locally, but there is this really twisted
dependency on all three files SHA256.sig, SHA256, and index.txt.

Regarding safey of site*.gz, placing openssl there is not part of any
solution that would work.  What are other possible solutions?  I do
not yet know.

One development path may be to remove site*tgz from the main install
sequence, and try to handle it in a more special way after base set
installs.  Even if we have to add an additional question for a while.
Then maybe we can develop a better sequence that satisfies the same

The install scripts are dynamic, something changes in them every
release, so this is a natural process.

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