Hello misc,

Thursday, March 27, 2014, 9:14:00 AM, Jiri wrote:

JB> Could you please elaborate why not sftp for sets (and/or
JB> for pkg_add)?

  I'll rephrase: can someone besides Theo elaborate? It was an obvious
mistake to reply to his email (to be fair, I've addressed it to misc, not
to him).
  In his "long email" Theo was talking about openssl. It's my understanding
that openssh is going away from openssl, so I don't see a direct
connection. I also see that psftp (from the putty) is about 300K, and I
don't believe it has any important dependencies (kerberos could be ignored
in this case).
  BTW, what is limiting the bsd.rd size? It's not for a floppy. I've tried
searching and found only a "rumor" that there is might be the size limit.

Best regards,
 Boris                            mailto:bo...@twopoint.com

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